
Located 20 km from Moscow, Dolgoprudny is a city of about 100,000 people, its name means “long pond”, which refers to a long narrow pond located in the northeastern part of the city. But the name Dolgoprudny is sometimes familiarly shortened to Dolgopa. on site, a multitude of activities await you, such as visiting the church of St. George, or that of the temple “The Icon of Our Lady the Perishing”, you could also admire the famous sculpture “Cinderella” ending with a little culture with the natural history museum !


TO SEE : Dolgoprudniy and the church St Georges.

TO TASTE : Russian culinary specialties: Stroganoff beef, borsch (soup of beetroot with cabbage and meat), syrniki (small pancakes), blinis and selyodka pod chouboy (fur herring).

MOST IMPORTANT : The locality began to develop when an airship factory was built in 1931. The Italian aeronautical engineer Umberto Nobile worked there for five years during the 1930s. For several years, the city was called Dirijablestroï, which means “Airship construction”.



Tourist attractions

  • Dolgoproudny and the sculpture of “Cinderella”
  • River Volga
  • The church St Georges
  • Temple “the Icon of Our Lady the – Perishing”


Suggestions for cruises from Dolgoproudny

One week
Dolgoprudnyi – Tver – Dolgoprudnyi : 438 km, 10 locks, 43 hours
Dolgoprudnyi – Kalyazin – Dolgoprudnyi : 400 km, 20 locks, 40 hours

Navigation on the river Volga
Rental only with Skipper (provide 1 extra cabin) (skipper price already included in the rental price)

Penichette 1020 FB

Les autres bases de la région
